what is my human design motivation

It’s not always about someone asking you a direct question. However, when you are in Transference, you are forever trying to fix things that are not your responsibility or job to make better. The words need, want, desire, and drive are all similar to motive, from which the word motivation is derived. Their actions and words bring about transformation. It also gives you a counterpoint to your Perspective, called Distraction (false resonance) in Human Design. Motivation is an interesting concept. My drive to constantly develop my customer service skills is the reason I earned top sales at my company two quarters in a row. The first transformation provides the way your bioform is designed to be nourished from the inside out through how you take food into your body to support your unique metabolism and develop your cerebral capacity to its fullest potential. Primary Health System - Environment Image by JovianArchive.com. The first phase (birth until 30) is a youthful phase of experimentation and experiential learning. There are many obstacles in front of humans daily. This is where science and spirituality converge. Hope knows when to act or not, when to take responsibility or not, and being able to provide your Hope to others if it's correct for you to do so. So it’s important to know your strategy and make decisions based on your authority. In groups, people’s sense of themselves and the group is mirrored through the Reflector. 4/2 – 10/2/19, The Definitive Guide To Breathwork: Holotropic, Transformational & Wim Hof. There are five types, split out as follows: Generators & M.Generators:                       66.5% of the population, Projectors:                                                       22.4% of the population, Manifestors:                                                    9.6% of population, Reflectors:                                                       1.5% of population. The Human Design System is a logical system that provides a practical tool for self-discovery and correct decision-making. Generators are first and foremost people of activity. They have a resistant and sampling aura, and are learning to reflect rather than identify. Trust in your own Type and Authority to know when to involve yourself and be available to give your uncanny guidance and when to stand aside and hold your peace.”. The spleen is our oldest awareness center, faster than the mind, and deeply rooted in survival, health, and well-being. Thousands of pages have been written about each of these systems, so for the purposes of this article, take on faith how the data is interpreted and see for yourself by jumping into your own Human Design. People with a 1-3 profile in their design have an inward focus. The magic of Human Design is that it offers us a user manual that points the way to knowing and loving ourselves. When I drive to the office in the morning I get to see hot air balloons, I just uploaded “Happy Valentines Day” to. Motivation is the desire to act in service of a goal. Three main theories were made during this period. Motivation is necessary as human nature needs some sort of inducement, encouragement or incentive in order to get better performance. This can require some experimentation as we are often used to relying on the mind to make decisions, but as feeling centres become more important, we tap into a deeper intelligence that is supported by life, and see that decisions made in this way, deeply nourish and support our overall wellbeing. Each phase of the cycle includes aspects such as attitudes, beliefs, intentions, effort, and withdrawal. It is a drive that compels a person to act because human behaviour is directed towards some goal. Like Distraction, Transference is not bad. There are a lot of theories that try to explain, how and why motivation functions as is does. What also happens is that you, the passenger (your mind) becomes more at ease and comfortable in your own skin. These fields represent the most profound areas of study in Human Design and encompass the layers of mechanical information to be found in the sub-structure of Lines. In most organizations, it is common to hear the refrain that a particular employee is not motivated and hence his or her performance has taken a backseat. Whilst we all have conditioning from our parents, culture, and environment, this actually only tells a small fraction of the story. Possible benefits of following your Primary Health System may include easier or better Digestion of food, improved brain function and strengthened sensory abilities. As Generators find and connect to their passions, their dedication will lead to mastery, and mastery will lead to success and satisfaction. The outer wheel is composed of 64 hexagrams of I'Ching. It’s tempting to stop at the Type and Profile but as you start to go deeper into the centres, channels and your authority, and contemplate these in relation to your own life, you start to see how much sense it makes. Motivation is important in human life. Because of Reflectors’ lack of definition, they have the potential to be objective and remain outside of things in a way others cannot. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. They are the driving life force of the world, the builders, and the labour for most major projects that are initiated. Classical Theories of Motivation The motivation concepts were mainly developed around 1950’s. Your sacral life force energy is a response mechanism—it’s either open to giving its energy to something that is healthy for you in the moment, or closed. Their experience and embodiment of a group dynamic, or the theme of an environment, gives other people a sense for it as a whole as well. As this type rides their emotional wave and experiences all of its nuances, they pick up information over time. Reflectors have only open Centers, creating a very different experience. Rave Psychology Human Design System Motivation image by JovianArchive.com. The magic of Human Design is that it offers us a user manual that points the way to knowing and loving ourselves. Even though I was performing well, I could feel my energy draining out, like I was running on battery power and not getting charged up overnight. Human Design is a revolutionary system that maps your personal energy field, giving precise and profound insight into the energetic makeup of your conscious and unconscious mind. At times you find yourself pointing a way that defies normal explanation, but if you are true to yourself and your creative impulses, the direction will be the right one. Ra's recommendation was that you experiment with your S&A for at least a year before you enter into the Four Transformations, unless you have aright brain/mind, because this information is critical to helping your align correctly. Would you like to experience what it's like to live a truly fulfilled life, to see and operate in your own particular, unique way? Your Human Design Type is the cornerstone of your energy field and defines your what your core energy strategy is. Motivated staff care about the success of the business and work better. Then read through your design and see how it relates. A Defined Center has a consistent way of operating and is part of who you are. Profiles tell you about major life themes that you will encounter, and they illustrate the way in which you interact with the world. Motivation is one of the driving forces behind human behavior. A conscious adventurer who learns by trial and error and has to cope with the projections of others. Beneath the hexagram lines of your Personality and Design Sun and Earth, there are three values named Color, Tone, and Base. As you can see, there is quite a lot of nuance and detail as you go deeper into your design. When you do this, you can learn to recognize your correct motivation and stop wasting energy when you are in Transference. It is through their network, that 4th lines will most often find a job, meet their significant other, find their house or their place to live. Going through Radical Transformations doesn't mean that it's a mental trip where you discover you are "Natural Shores" and decide to uproot your whole life and move to Hawaii, for example. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They have to balance characteristics of both Types. Obviously there is a huge degree of variation that we each have in our channels and gates, so for the purposes of this article I’ll leave you to explore yourself and understand the channels themselves from MyBodyGraph or Chetyn Parkyn’s great book on the subject. And, if you're like me (learning through trial and error) you may discover that if you begin this process earlier than the recommended time frame, that it can intensify the deconditioning experience, so remember to always trust your personal authority process. They show our life’s mission as expressed through our purpose and subsequently lived out through our profile. Combining the lines together you get 12 profile types which match up as follows: Looks deeply into their specialized interest and experientially tries things out, discoverers. The 4th line is also known as the opportunist. And just as specific vehicles provide their passengers different views, with special performance capacities, so too our bodies can have particular ways of seeing and being motivated to action. If a Center is white, then it is called Undefined or “open”. I’ve found it so powerful that I partnered with its creator – renowned shaman and mystic Manex Ibar – to bring it to the world. While you may share certain characteristics with others, for example, those with the same Type (as above), a different Profile takes you on very different paths. Neutrinos are unusual particles that carry an infinitesimal amount of mass. If you want a holistic analysis of your individual chart, choose a Certified Human Design Professional for advanced readings. Motivation is intrinsic (internal), it comes from within based on personal interests and desire for need fulfillment. Therefore, your longevity, relationships and quality of life are affected in a beneficial way when you are in the right place. Your body is also designed to be nourished from the outside in, which means that certain people do better in high places while others need valleys, shores or more cave-like environments, for example. Manifestors are about 9% of the population. When Distracted by what is not correct for you, it can pull you out of your trip to see in a different way. If we know the genes that cause diseases like cancer, heart failure, or even mental disorders, might we also in the future know the genes that inform our behaviour, preferences, and energetic disposition? When I first came across Human Design, it took 2-3 read throughs to sink in, and then probably a couple of weeks to contemplation and digestion against what I knew about myself and my energy dynamics. Lastly, there is your incarnation cross (which establishes your destiny) and whether you have defined or undefined chakra centres (more on this below). When others recognize and value what Projectors have to offer, they can become powerful guides. Treating the body the way it was designed to be handled leads to the correct operation of our personality. To get your Sphinx Code blueprint and the full training on it, check out Destiny. Just as our bodies need specific methods of taking in nourishment, both from food and the environment, to operate optimally. So we’re all part of a giant cosmic energy field (essentially we’re all stardust), but we are each a unique expression of it. My very first motivation tip for everyone is to dream big. PHS Dietary Calculations Photo by JovianArchive.com, In Human Design, your Color in your design Sun and Earth is where you can discover your unique way of taking in food optimally for your body, known as your “Determination.”. It's the crucial element in setting and attaining our objectives. Concerns were found with the employees motivation and Reflectors are without definition and are just over one percent of the population. The Reflector carries an extraordinary Human Design. Rather, it is about the conditions and circumstances that support your body being able to extract from the food exactly what nourishment it needs to support its differentiated potential. Manifestors are meant to initiate and to impact others. It’s much more common to consider ourselves as flesh beings, temporarily imbued with consciousness, enjoying a time-bound experience of life that is mediated by what we think and feel about everything around us. Often people learn about their Environment and are ready to pack their bags and move! Projectors are naturally sensitive to and aware of the energy of other people; they can recognize the natural gifts and capabilities of others. So in sum, you have your own energetic makeup that is coded by your DNA. Different types of cars require different types of fuel, care, and maintenance to operate at their top performance level. While this can draw others in, it can also create a heaviness or pressure that is associated with the 5th line projection. This type is more rare, about 11% of the population, and is characterized by an intuitive sense or recognition in the moment. Home Study: Radical Transformations (Ra's Audio Lecture program with transcriptions and illustrations). This imprint is therefore reflected within your Human Design Chart (more on that below), and determines your particular Design (your character and disposition). As people get a larger sense for the group or situation, they develop a better sense for how each individual is participating and contributing. The 1/3 has to investigate first and then experiment, and always in that order. When installing the Free Edition of the official Human Design System Software by Jovian Archive (Maia Mechanics Imaging or “MMI” for the first time, users are granted an evaluation license which will allow them to use and experience all of the features contained in the Professional Edition of MMI for seven days. It’s a system that shows you how you were built, and how to best respond to the world around you. Motivation process explains why and how human behaviour is activated. This is the perspective of behaviorism. The investigator is driven to know detail. Much of how we interpret and analyse the world around us is through mental models, and yet underneath that is an obvious undercurrent of energy. We hope to empower you with transformational information that leads to you embracing your uniqueness, through an experiential journey of self-discovery. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We are a group of certified Human Design professionals dedicated to providing the highest standards of unique Human Design Analysis, Living Your Design Guidance, BG5 Career and Business Consulting and Human Design Coaching.We can give you the keys to your genetic code so that you can live an inspired life of growth, change, self-acceptance and unconditional love.Are you ready to transform your life? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. It’s a truck load of data to take in at once, so I’ll break this down and use my chart for reference along the way. Shy or Bold, an attractive Saviour to some, a rebel to others, here to be a natural and gifted person. Treating the body the way it was designed to be handled leads to the correct operation of our personality. This map of flowing energies forms your identity and allows you to visualize and utilize … Knowing how your Perspective and Distraction can show up for you gives you two wonderful signposts that make for fascinating observation of our form and allow us the magic of being the witness of the mechanics of our being at work. Dream Big “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” —Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Human Design’s modern scientific foundation is in the use of the neutrino field. Expand Why It Works: With this answer, the candidate focuses on why customer service is important, how she develops her skills, as well as how she achieves positive results. By far the most powerful I’ve seen is the Sphinx Code. Human Design System Differentation Degree program - Rave Psychology, Primary Health System Photo via IHDSchool.com. What I’m getting at here is that there is a unique you, coded at birth into your personal DNA. We encourage you to go Radical if you're ready, and when your Strategy and Authority lead you to a yes, check out the Radical Transformation info below. You can get yours for free at MyBodyGraph. Each hexagram represents archetypal energies and they are also directly related to our genetic code, the 64 codons of our DNA. Line 6 – The Role Model is the embodiment of what they are here to share with the world. They need people to accept them for who they are; they need to know what’s next as well as be prepared in order to feel safe. Ra gives descriptions of all the Determinations, Environments, as well as Perspective and Motivation binaries and what they mean in the Radical Transformations home study course. These shapes are called the nine centers. A response can be signified by a spontaneous sound or body movement toward something. Approximately 37% of the population are Manifesting Generators, which are a combination of Generators and Manifestors. They tackle projects with intentness and determination, gaining momentum as they make progress. Our pain and our suffering – which are messages from our energy being – are all signs that are informing us of misalignment with our true self. motivation theories and different approaches to motivate employees. I'm interested in... Variable, an advanced area of the Human Design System. Humans all eat, live places, see things and are motivated to take action. Pointing the direction for someone and then encouraging them to engage with their own abilities is the best approach. One additional semester for Holistic Analysis certification will also be provided. The actions can be as simple as eating healthy, or as complex as winning a Nobel Prize; every action has a certain motivation behind it. As you can see from the image, the Centers are: Head, Ajna, Throat, G-Center (Identity/Self) Will, Spleen, Sacral, Emotional Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root. Depending on your not-self theme, you are then left with a feeling of anger, frustration, bitterness or disappointment. They also must process the frustration of the Generator and wait for the right timing to act on things. Ra personally introduced these programs and taught 2 three-year certification programs in each discipline. Like the dynamic between Perspective and Distraction, Transference just happens, and there's nothing wrong with it. What is it that drives our behaviors? This is why all of the greats of our time say “you need to just be yourself” when asked what their gift is. You have a binary nature, and you need these counterbalances to step into a higher level of consciousness which allows you to separate from the mechanics of your Personality to be the witness. Once you are well on the path of following your Strategy & Authority and PHS in terms of how to nourish your physical body, your change in perception can guide you to discovering the environment you are designed to function in optimally. Does our genetic makeup, our DNA, run to a verifiable, mathematical, predictable pattern? The International Human Design School offers the Differentiation Degree Program, leading to potential certification as both a PHS Practitioner and Rave Psychologist after all prerequisites, testing and Diploma Thesis have been met and formally certified by the teacher. If you look at my chart, I’m a Manifestor too, which makes sense as I have created Inner Truth to inform others about my subject area of interest. 4. Line 5 – The Teacher is here to teach whatever they’ve experienced in life. Our sense of being separate from the universe in some way (often led by our senses), is an illusion, as Einstein said: “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. What we call Outer Authority in Human Design is the ability to provide your authentic perspective derived from the imprinting of your particular design, as an expression of your uniqueness - without the mind's attachment to protecting it's vulnerabilities. But if you contemplate siblings within stable and consistent family backgrounds, you still almost always see wild and unexplainable variances in character, disposition, and interests. People usually act for one reason: to reach a goal. If you’re anything like me, you probably slept through science at school. Then the passenger (who you think you are) watching the movie is able to enjoy the ride, no matter how bumpy it is - because the vehicle was designed to handle the terrain it then encounters. Do you know what your motivation is or the signs of transference? Importance of Motivation in Human Resource Development (HRD) Motivation is one of the most important concepts in HRD . When a Manifestor shares with others, this naturally relaxes those around them and removes energetic resistance, allowing them to initiate in peace. It will be taught in one Program to get an insight of the holistic perspective of the fine tuned differentiation of each individual.It is a 2 year Program that includes 6 Semesters and 120 hours of teaching. Whilst these things no doubt always turn out for the best, I couldn’t help wonder in why me? My Behavior Model highlights three Core Motivators: Sensation, Anticipation, and Belonging. So if we’re not separate, the question is, is there a pattern or a formula to the human condition? Experiencing the highest levels of differentiation is possible with the dedication of surrendering to living out the beauty and uniqueness of your design - and as always, it begins with the catalyst of following your Strategy and Authority. You may want to get your Advanced Human Design chart for your studies. They can mold to their environment and embody what is taking place. Ultimately the 2-5 and 5-2 will need to escape the pressure and get their alone time away from the energy. One of the first things you will notice when you look at your chart is that there are nine geometric shapes. Every Center in their design is completely white. The 1st line is also known as the investigator. A Reflector’s presence is a mirror for others. We each incarnate with a purpose, yet that purpose cannot be accessed if you don’t live out the strategy of your type and honour your inner authority, so there is of course the element of free will and choice. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Getting recognition is important; it creates a framework for them to play their role. They are often subject to the projections of others because other people see through their relationships with them what they need to heal the most. Reflectors can see the progression over time as a group matures and develops, giving people feedback, and seeing what impact they have at different times. Line 2 – The Hermit needs quiet/solo time to integrate. This map reveals your hidden spiritual gifts, powers, and karma in this lifetime, and gives you precise insight into your inner workings. The belief of Human Design is that since Neutrinos have an infinitesimally small amount of mass, as the stream passes through us it leaves information. What’s interesting is that I started Inner Truth before knowing any of this. If so, your natural tendency is to wait for something/someone to show up in your field so you can respond. We can be of the highest possible service to others when motivated correctly to communicate our Outer Authority if asked, invited, initiated or informing when it's in alignment with our truth. The main aim is to find a correlation between employees work motivation and their performance and the performance effect on business productivity. Finding activities that they have a natural enthusiasm for helps their energy to grow and be expressed. In my early 20s I worked in investment banking. These 10 motivation tips from highly successful people will help keep you moving forward so you can achieve your dreams. The College began with its focus on Primary Health System and Rave Psychology. A. It’s a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. The Four Transformations by Ra Uru Hu Photo by JovianArchive.com. Something about learning periodic tables and studying molecules doesn’t quite capture the attention of the 14-year old mind. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This is where Human Design starts to become incredibly nuanced. Your environment needs to be a place you discover through Strategy and Authority, and a PHS Practitioner or Analyst can give you a comprehensive description of what that could look like for you. Motivation is a process in which thoughts influence behaviours. Manifestors can be free, independent and have a powerful positive effect on the world and the people they care about. In a previous blog post, I introduced you to Variable, an advanced area of the Human Design System. Welcome to ourHuman Design Life Coaching Services. When writing sentences, either for a class, story, biography, or even an online form or social media platform, there may come a time when motivation comes into play. In your correct environment, you also encounter less resistance in your process. People that have the 2-4 profile need a balance of being alone and being social. Just under 35% of the population has the Sacral Authority; many generators fall here. ---Finding PurposeMind MasteryAncient WisdomEnergeticsPlant MedicineJust Help Getting Started!Other. If you want to get the fastest verification and benefit from Human Design, just think about the things that most deplete your energy and the things that most fill you up. We as nine-centered human beings are designed to commune with others and share our unique perspective on reality. When you are the observer of your life movie, you get to experience the magic of what it means to be you. The Core Motivators apply to everyone; they are central to the human experience. So how then does Human Design discern this pattern within your DNA? The 3-6 profile is bound by a need to learn from experience. It’s an amazing gift - especially helpful to feed your personality consciousness. In much of life we can be used to making decisions mentally as this is what is heavily relied upon and informed by Western Culture. Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design. Even better, Human Design helps us learn how to treat our body, the vehicle we ride in through this life, in the correct way. Interestingly if you only have half a channel, say in my chart below the 48 – 16, then when I meet someone that has the defined 16, we will complete the channel together (romantically, in business, on in friendship). When they are moving through life without informing others, Manifestors can end up feeling angry as a result of the resistance they experience. Human Design Has The Answers For You. So to give you an idea and paint the picture for you we got to start with our Personality Crystals. There the gates meet completely, a channel is formed, which sets up a theme that will be universal for your life. Even better, Human Design helps us learn how to treat our body, the vehicle we ride in through this life, in the correct way. It is composed of 9 Chakras linked by 64 Gates and 36 Channels of energy that flow through you. Although Human Design uses the same zodiacal wheel as astrology, it is interpreted differently. In as much as motivation impacts on em-ployee performance, there is need to blend the appropriate motivational tools with effective management and leadership to achieve this goal. You input your time, place, and date of birth and you’re given a chart that shows a deep mapping of your psyche and energetic disposition.

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